You can tell it's nearly Christmas, it's very muddy out and there's a load of sprouts for sale in the shops.
I'm hoping my morning run was twice as good for me, as my feet were caked in mud for most of my circuit. I am certainly contemplating some waterproof trainers, or maybe gaiters, or those giant wellie trouser things fisher people wear, now that would be a good look.

After my run, it was off to watch Maisie horse riding - as it's on the highest peak of Sheffield, suffice to say, it was blinking cold and windy, nice and sunny though. Then onwards to pick Dad up for a Sunday outing. Today's choice was a garden centre - not just any old garden centre mind, but the Chatsworth one of course. What a treat, they had assorts of goodies to tempt the wallet. I jet bough essentials, some wooden heart christmas decorations and an solar powered bird light thing, oh yes, and some actual cabbage flower plant things, well I felt I had to as we were at a garden centre after all. At one point there was a loud announcement "Santa has now entered the building" I was a bit sad that none of our party were interested.
A quick stop at the grocery store with sprouts sprouting up everywhere you looked.