Anyway, enough excuses... our trip to NZ
In the beginning, there was the journey, there was the driving, there was the waiting at the airport, there were the massively uncomfortable long long flights and then the comforting feeling of arriving safely.
The journey was unremarkable, the only thing of note was the incident in the duty free at Heathrow. To be fair, I was wearing a tight t-shirt and my new best foundation garment. Even so, the short back and sides haircut should have been enough indication to the squirt boy that I would not be interested in the latest Marc Jacobs scent Daisy Dream. However, said squirt boy approached with intent to spray. Honestly - he was way more feminine then me. Was I interested? No!
To recover from my trauma, I strode over to the pour homme section and sampled products from the butch looking receptacles.
We arrive at Leanne's parents, Lorraine says "John, get the cake out from under the bed dear" and there's a news feature on the TV about pies. Yep, we are in the right place.
We went to the zoo and saw kiwis, we walked on various beaches, we caught up with friends and family, we went swimming in hot pools and cold, we ate pies, timtams, lamingtons, sushi and cake. We took a boat to Waiheke, had a massage, drank coffee and met a dog called Lionel. A very lovely time had by all.