A wonderous outing to Warwick Castle was had. There was a deal in t’internet, so off we drove.
After a 2hr drive and a 6 mile trek form the car park, which incidentally would cost us a mere £6 to exit, quite a lot for us peasants, we arrived. Maisie decided the highlight was the Ben & Jerry's vending machines dotted about - presumably a necessity in the Summer to prevent overheating whilst trekking to the attraction. On closer inspection, they appeared to be empty, at least that would save us £5.
When we got to the castle, there was some watery sunshine filtering through the turrets, and a very majestical air about the place. A quick go in the stocks, and it was time for our dungeon experience. We queued with a small amount of trepidation, none of us having experienced live dungeon action before. I wasn’t encouraged by the screams emanating from the said dungeons.
In actuality, the most scary bit was navigating narrow stairs in the dark. We experienced several well acted out scenarios about the plague, torture, corrupt courts and a beheading. We were squirted with blood (water), and humiliated a few times, freaked out by an executioner and a fake dog, Maisie was only slightly traumatised and was easily cheered up with a trip to the restaurant. Fizzy pop and a sandwich do have a tendency to cure all fake blood splattering traumas, note to self: must remember to put that in my parenting guide book I haven't written yet.
The Merlin experience was less exciting, basically a video of a dragon with fire effects at the end. All hot air with no substance. There was a nice wax model of Merlin on the way out.
Came home, and it started snowing! Very wet snow, no chance of a day off school/work, but a nice end to the day all the same.
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