Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Scared crows?

It the time of year where Derbyshire goes a little crazy. If it isn't pulling petals off flowers and sticking them in clay to make well dressings; gathering up bits and bobs from the bottom of kitchen cupboards, presenting them on a table and calling it a jumble sale or antique fair; it's fashioning old shirts and trousers into scarecrows and displaying them on your front lawn for passers by to admire.
Leanne was driving round with my father, and they spotted a couple of scarecrows in the north of the county. I was amused when I heard that the one with crazy hair, pink cheeks  and bright red lips started moving and was, in fact , one of the locals.
We decided to be a little subversive and make a scary, slightly demented-looking bunting-stealing corgi - like you do. I have fond memories of the 1977 jubilee celebrations, I still have the mug somewhere. So it was with a bit of guilty pleasure, that I decided to join in with the bunting-displaying monarch-loving royalist neighbours. There are queens that I do love, have loved, but that's another story.
Armed with an empty Budweiser box and a roll of brown packing tape, Maisie and I managed to fashion a dogish looking thing. It needed work but the basic shape was there. With a carefully carved bit of polystyrene we made the head. When I say carefully, I mean haphazardly hacked with a kitchen knife. 
After more sticky tape, an extension to the body, a few coats of paint and newspaper, lots of glue, more paint, a few bits of fabric...TA DA! A beautiful corgiesque creation to grace our lawn. We made some bunting and positioned it in pride of place in the front garden.
Subsequently, we have been enjoying looking at peoples’ amusement when they spot our corgi (her name is now Queenie, according to Maisie). Some passers-by have taken photos and everything. We have also enjoyed looking round the village for other scarecrows. The Queen is a popular choice, but we seem to have made the only dog. 

Our subversive dog creation paid off. We won 'most original' in the Sacrecrow Competition - a £10 voucher for the local garden centre! Yay! I'm expecting a commission for a sculpture from Chatsworth any day now.


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