Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Car Boot Considerations

Following on from the popular post Jumble sale etiquette I bring you...car boot considerations.  

The boot was bulging, the cockerels were cock-a-doodle-dooing the teen assistant was dressed and ready (a miracle in itself) we were all set to go. Using an element of guess work I reverse out the drive, no chance of seeing out the window past all the crap treasures squashed in to sell.

Consideration number one
Have the requisite amount of money upfront...sensibly car boot organisers want their pitch fee upfront (just in case no one thinks your treasures are worth parting with their hard earned pennies for)

Consideration number two
People that hover round you car as soon as you arrive are traders, consider politely asking them to piss off and come back when you have finished un-packing. 

Consideration number three
Talk to teen quietly, nicely and clearly, they could go off at any moment. Being a teen, being up incredibly early, being without breakfast because they didn't understand the instruction to eat something before we left the house renders teen completely without any idea how to be helpful apparently (some might say - just like normal then - but I'm too nice)

Consideration number four
People at the car boot that turn up this early are a little crazy. Just keep smiling and nodding. 

The man who chatted to us for a full five minutes was my favourite. He was clad in a big ski jacket, had ski goggle type glasses on, a giant blingy watch and the worst teeth I've seen in a long time. Unfortunately we couldn't understand a word he was saying. Occasionally we caught 'Essex girl', 'Bargain hunt' and 'car boot' I sure it was a fascinating monologue. He appeared again several times during the morning, I felt we were good fiends by the end.

Actually people who turn up at any time of day to a car boot may all be a little 'eccentric' you just adapt.

Consideration number five
Send the teen to buy espresso, hot chocolate and pastries as soon as there is a convenient gap between chatting about car boots I have known and loved and listening to comments like "I wasn't going to come to another car boot I don't need anything, ooh how much is that plate?"

Consideration number six
When you agree to sell something for 50p that originally cost you £8 smile, consider yourself  grateful! When people get offended that your prices are way too high as they are just buying for the church, just smile and say that's nice. When you agree on a price of £1 and the bloke gives you a handful of coins CHECK  IT. It will add up to only 54p.  

Things to remember
When it's pissing it down with rain...just think sods law would mean that you would only be camping in a field instead of trying to flog your old plates and jumpers in one.
People who say "do a car boot you will have fun and make loads of money, we made £200" are lying.
A charity shop desperate for donations is only a car drive away.
You could have a new Facebook friend (if only you could have caught his name)
The woman at Age Uk will be really grateful.

Actually we must have shifted a fair amount as we could see out of the back window when we packed the car up. We felt good for having provided an element of care in the community. We made £57.

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